Materials related to rehearsal and performance, including a published copy (Wien, 1859; "Als Manuscript gedruckt und ausschliessliches Eigenthum des Theater-Agenten Adalbert Prix"), which has been annotated as a prompt-book; and 13 handwritten role books, for the following parts: Graf von Hartberg; Dr. Waise; Pommer, Gerichtspraktikant; Rauh, Feldwebel; Rohrer, Pächter; Franz Rohrer; Lori; Caspar Pillner, Chirurg; Hans, Kellnerjunge; Spadinger, Wirth; Max, Jäger; Martin, Gerichtsdiener; and Ruprecht, Wildprethändler. (The roles appear to be complete as the play was performed, but the published copy contains 3 additional roles: Gräfin Mayendorf, Hartbergs Tante; Margaretha, Rohrers Frau; and Rudolf, Jäger.) On the title page of the published copy it is noted that the play was performed for the first time at the Carl-Theater in Vienna on 19 Feb. 1859 ("und mit grossem Beifall aufgenommen"), and music is attributed to Kapellmeister Carl Binder. (No music is included here.) The published copy as well as nearly all the role books are marked by hand as the property of Theodor Bloch, who was active in German-language theater in Philadelphia from at least the early 1870s to the mid 1890s, first as an actor, and later as a prompter and proprietor of a theater lending library. The title is listed in Bloch's catalog for his library (dated 1886; see box 34). The role books are well used, with the names of actors and actesses noted on the covers reflecting as many as 8 or more casts over time. Some of the names (recogizable from casts of other German-language plays) indicate a performance in Philadelphia at least as early as the mid 1870s; some others date from the 1880s; and many other names could not be placed. (The collection's holdings of theater newspapers and playbills contain no reference to this play.)